How to save time on social media: 3 tips to try

Are you looking to save time on social media? Do you want to be more efficient? 

Today I’ll share three tips on how you can save time on social media without sacrificing the quality of your content.

If you’re like me, you’re trying to create amazing updates for your community AND stay actively engaged.

However, there are only so many hours in the day, week and month.

It’s impossible to be everywhere, and do everything, we want do on social.

That’s why it’s so important to work smart.

Because let’s be real, we’re all trying to work smarter on our business – not harder.

Working smart:

If you want to be more efficient in your efforts on social media, you have to work smart.

Working smart means being intentional.

When you work smart, you think through your goals BEFORE creating content.

Here are three tips for how you can work smarter: 

  • Figure out your flaws: If you want to work smarter, you need to spend your time doing what you’re uniquely good at. It’s important to understand your weaknesses so you know what’s worth outsourcing vs. focusing on. If you don’t outsource what you’re NOT good at, you’ll end up working harder. When you pass off tasks that you don’t NEED to do to your team, you free up your time to focus on what you’re really good at. For me, my strength is content and campaign creation, not graphic design. I outsource all of my graphics to a girl friend so that I can focus on what nobody else can do for ME – create epic content for my community. It’s all about understanding where your time is best spent.
  • Show off your smarts: Now that you’ve gotten some items off your plate, you have the opportunity to showcase your strengths. Show off your smarts by focusing on the tasks in your business that you’re brilliant at. Do you shine in front of the camera? Do more video! When you spend more time doing tasks that leverage your skill set, you see a greater impact in your bottom line. Working smart means focusing on the items that truly impact your business.
  • Batching: I swear by batching; it is literally the only way I create content for myself and my clients. defines “batch” as “a quantity or number coming at one time or taken together.”Batching your work means creating a number of updates at one time. It involves setting aside chunks of time to do one set task in your business. When you batch your work, you focus on one specific task for a set timeframe.

In order to grow your business (in size, scale and sales,) you have to work smart.

You need to spend time figuring out what tasks in your business can be done without you. Start to pass those off onto others.

Freeing up your time to focus on your specific strengths will drive you towards success.

When you batch your work, you work more efficiently.

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