
Show your strength: ask for help


I’ve never understood why people have such a hard time asking for help. It seems like we fall into a trap that we have to do it all. Entrepreneurs starting their own businesses get overwhelmed and completely bogged down when they try to handle every aspect of their business from…

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Question your limits and act as if


Today’s challenge as part of the 30-Day Bravery Challenge is to act as if. Act as if there are no limits. Greg Faxon, the creator behind this 30-Day Bravery Challenge, mentioned that we often hold ourselves back by telling ourselves, “I’m not that type of person.” Today is about questioning…

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A lucky day

A lucky day


When it comes to writing, I’m a bit of a perfectionist. I know that I have a lot to learn, (I’m a regular AP style offender,) and am always looking to improve. I also thoroughly enjoy writing, so when I write a blog post there are usually around 50 revisions…

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