The busy excuse


My yoga instructor asked a simple question while laying in savasana during last week’s practice. Is there anything you’ve neglected lately? Have you recently said “I’m too busy?”  It got me thinking about the things in my life that I’ve felt “too busy” for lately; certain friends, going to the…

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Step outside 


I recently had the chance to speak to a fellow Ruckusmaker, someone who I deeply admire and respect, Greg Faxon. Greg and I spoke about a lot; what I was working on, what my challenges were and what my mantras were. We discussed my thinking patterns and goals. It was…

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I got an email last week from an old friend that I hadn’t heard from in 2-3 years. It was amazing to reconnect and attempt to catch up on everything that had happened to/for each of us since we had last spoken. The interaction filled me with gratitude and lightness;…

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Pick yourself 


“Pick yourself means we should stop waiting and whining and stalling.” – Seth Godin  My favorite people to be around are those who pick themselves. People who pick themselves are happier; they have an energy about them that I find irresistible.  People who pick themselves are brave; they exude a…

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I’ll survive


With all of the projects I’ve been working on, both inside and outside of my current day job, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed. My old, habitual response for dealing with stress was to amplify it – with anxiety. It might sound crazy to you (I mean it’s definitely crazy since it…

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What would you do?


What would you do? If you could do absolutely anything? If you had all of the freedom in the world? If failure wasn’t an option?  If your options were limitless? If regret didn’t exist? Now think: why don’t you do it?  What’s stopping you?  What stories are you telling yourself?…

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The ShipIt Journal 


On Tuesday night, I picked up the ShipIt Journal for the first time since Ruckusmakers. It wasn’t easy; it had been haunting me from my office desk since the day I got back. Each time I had tried to sit down with it, with one specific project in mind, I…

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