How to Make 2018 Your Year

Do you want to make 2018 YOUR year? Is 2018 the year you’re going to take steps towards building the life of your dreams?

I want to help you get there because I know it’s possible. But here’s the thing: possible and easy aren’t the same thing.

Is it possible to pursue those projects you’ve been putting off? Yes.

Is it possible to start that diet you’ve been meaning to try? Yes.

Is it easy? HELL NO.

Here’s what’s easy:

It’s easy because you’re not alone. 

In January, you’ve got a whole slew of people (in your family, office, and community at large) that are working on themselves. It’s easy to do the work because you’re motivated by seeing others do it too.

It’s a lot harder to keep that ambition strong throughout the other 11 months of the year.

As soon as you see others give in to their cheat days, it’s easier to let yourself slip.

The steps to take to make it YOUR Year

It’s not easy to stay motivated throughout the year, but it’s necessary if you’re going to see the results you seek.

Once the high of New Years Resolutions wears off, it’s easy to fall back into our routines.

I’m here to help you stay motivated. I want to keep you chugging along on your goals all year long.

Here are the best ways I’ve found to keep the motivation and energy high throughout the year 

When you tell a friend, celebrate the small wins, forgive yourself for being human and document the process, you make your goals meatier.

You involve others for support and accountability, you celebrate yourself for the steps you’ve taken and you allow yourself to keep moving forward despite the inevitable hiccups that will happen.

What do you think? How do you approach goal setting?

Share your thoughts and tactics in the comments below and help me in making 2018 YOUR YEAR! 

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