Three Things Every Human Should Know

If I could share just one message with you guys, it would be this one.

If you could only make time to watch one of my videos, I would want it to be this one.

Not because it’s well-done. In fact, it’s one of the lesser quality videos that I’ve created.

There isn’t exciting b-roll or big a-ha moments. I’m not taking you along on a trip or sharing a piece of news.

This video is about conveying my appreciation for you, the viewer.

This video is my attempt to share from the heart.

Because if there’s one thing that I want as a result of my YouTube channel, it’s to leave people feeling better.

I want to create content that makes people feel like they are enough.

I spent a lot of time this past summer getting quiet, which meant publishing a lot less to my YouTube channel.

In order for me to really focus on growing my public speaking opportunities, I knew that something had to go.

What went was YouTube, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t still love vlogging.

I truly love creating video content, and this video was intended to give you insight into the shift that you can expect to see on my channel moving forward.

Yes, the shift involves less video creation.

Yes, the shift involves less time spent blogging.

No, the shift doesn’t mean I’m giving up on either.

This shift indicates huge personal growth. I’m taking the pressure off to constantly create, and letting myself just follow the joy and passion.

Three Things You Should Know:

I went to the atrium of 500 Seneca, one of my favorite places in Buffalo, to record this message sharing three things that I want you guys to know.

  1. There is more than enough: I fully believe that there is enough joy, love, success, and money to go around for all of us. Someone’s win doesn’t equate to your loss. When you operate from abundance, you really start to see just HOW MUCH goodness exists everywhere. An abundance mindset only drives MORE. Let go of the comparison and competition. There’s space enough for all of us to win.
  2. You are beautiful: You have gifts worth sharing with the world. There is nobody like you. When you operate from the knowledge that you are beautiful, you radiate positivity and it makes you more attractive. The sooner you give yourself permission to share your gifts with the world, the sooner you will be filled up with self-love and pride. Nobody is going to give you permission to do “the thing.” You’re never going to feel ready to take the leap. Don’t let your fear cloud you from taking that first step forward. It’s worth it, I promise.
  3. You are enough: Really, just as you are. As a Type A, I know how easy it is to tie our sense of worth into how much we achieve and accomplish. I want to remind you that you are NOT your list of accomplishments. You don’t need to do or achieve anything to be worthy of your own love. You have value and worth in this world. It’s okay to step off the treadmill of production. It doesn’t impact your worth.

I never want you to forget these three points above.

It’s okay to take a step back when you need to.

When you give yourself permission to follow your intuition, amazing things happen.

So, keep staying strong and brave and beautiful. The world needs you. 

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