A lucky day

When it comes to writing, I’m a bit of a perfectionist.

I know that I have a lot to learn, (I’m a regular AP style offender,) and am always looking to improve.

I also thoroughly enjoy writing, so when I write a blog post there are usually around 50 revisions made to the post before it is even published.

Last night, while I was sitting on the couch reflecting on my day, I decided to start editing the post I wrote earlier about meeting Seth Godin. It was during the process of re-reading the post that I realized how unusually lucky I was yesterday.

I felt inspired to write about it not only because luck is a rarity for me, but because Godin himself challenged us to blog every day during his final remarks at yesterday’s Q&A.

I’ve been a fan of Seth Godin for a few years. I find his writing thought-provoking and refreshing; he makes me think in ways that other authors have yet to do.

So, when I found out that Godin was coming to Buffalo to speak, I got a ticket immediately.

I mean, what? That’s too good to be true.

I woke up yesterday at 4:00 a.m. feeling anxious about my flight since I knew that any delay would mean that I would miss the talk. Despite the madness that is JFK on a Monday morning, I got through security and arrived to my gate just in time for the crew to start the boarding process.

My luck continued as I scanned the crowd at the gate. Seth Godin himself was standing behind me waiting to board the plane.

He was on my flight!

I got to introduce myself and thank him for inspiring me on a daily basis. I was beaming during the entire flight. Not only was Godin on my flight (therefore solidifying the fact that I wouldn’t miss his talk) but I got to meet him in person!

Best day ever, right!?

It didn’t stop there. I made it to work in time for the talk, walked in to the auditorium and got to sit in the front row of the Q&A. Afterwards, my coworker and I got to exchange laughs with Godin and snap a photo together.

The best part of the day was getting to see, first-hand, that Godin is as intelligent as he comes across in his books and blog posts.

He is humorous, thoughtful, inspirational, humble and bright.

It’s not often that we get the chance to meet our role models in person.

I couldn’t believe that I got the opportunity to thank Godin for the impact that his work has made on my life and my way of thinking.

It was one of those amazingly lucky days where things just seemed to fall into place.

After reflecting on the day I found myself feeling extremely fortunate for the luck that, while doesn’t come frequently, seems to show up when I need it most.

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