A new chapter

Just one week ago, I lost my job at The Buffalo News due to restructuring and cut backs.

Given my tendency to “blog it out”, it shouldn’t surprise you that I’ve spent a large part of this past week writing.

As I have been reflecting, I am finding silver linings in the situation every single day and truly couldn’t be any more excited for this next chapter in my life.

The Buffalo News was an incredible starting point for my career.

Throughout my time as digital project coordinator, I got to meet Warren Buffett, work with a former professor on a consulting project, see Seth Godin speak, interview Steve Ranazzissi, see my face in the paper and establish a reputation for myself as a source for tips on gluten-free living in Buffalo.

I learned a lot about myself while working (and getting laid off) at The News. Getting the job provided me with the opportunity to further develop my writing, communication and analytical skills. It enabled me to network with the community and build relationships that will last a lifetime.

Losing the job taught me the importance of having a strong support network and a financial safety net.

While there are things I’ll miss about working at TBN (my coworkers, current projects, eating summer lunches by Canalside, my standing desk, etc.) I’m eager to see what opportunities (and challenges) lay ahead for me.

I am excited and invigorated by the forced change.

I am filled with optimism and look forward to finding the next, *right, company for me to dedicate my passion, energy and enthusiasm towards.

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