Clear the clutter

Clutter can weigh you down.

Clutter is chaotic, especially for people with high organizational skills.

A cluttered apartment, or just having random crap in various places throughout your home, is stressful.

Clutter makes it hard to find what you’re looking for and even harder to stay focused when working from home.

I’ve spent hours rearranging things as a way of procrastinating getting work done at home.

When you cut the clutter, you cut the distractions and thus, cut the excuses and justifications you’ve been feeding yourself for postponing your task at hand. 

The worst part about clutter is that it so easily builds on itself.

A junk drawer, if not consistently cleansed, easily turns into a junk closet filled with useless items.

While it’s easy to attach sentimental value to physical items, doing so is a disservice to ourselves. 

Instead, throw away the crap and hold on to the memory.

Write the memory down in a journal! One journal could hold thousands of memories and save you a lot more room for stuff you actually do need and use on a regular basis.

I speak from experience when I say that clearing the clutter can be transformational.

I felt physically lighter this past weekend after throwing out 7 garbage bags of crap and donating 5 bags of clothes.

When you clear the clutter, you make more room for creativity and end up feeling lighter and freer.

Have you recently done a clutter cleanse? How was your experience?

Comment below!


Photo Credit: SinDesign 

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