My Grandma Turned 96 Years Old: Celebrating Lil

Can you even imagine what it would feel like to turn 96 years old?

On September 10, 2018, my grandma Lil turned 96 years old and I was by her side to celebrate it.

On November 3, 2018, my grandma passed away.

If you know me well, you know how important my grandma was to me.

I spoke to my grandma on the phone every day when she was alive.

Lil was such a huge force in my life, so in 2016, I decided that so long as my grandmother was still celebrating birthdays, I would be there to do it with her.

Celebrating Lil:

I took an unpaid week off work to spend time on Long Island, NY with family.

It’s not something that I’ve ever done before, but I realized that family is so important.

Getting more quality time with my family was one of the major goals that I set for myself in 2018 and I’m proud of how I’ve committed to it. 

Seeing that I live in Buffalo, it’s not often that I get to spend time with my family on Long Island.

So, being with my family to celebrate Rosh Hashanah and Lil’s birthday was very special for me.

We had a lot of laughs as my grandma and dad tried to teach me some Yiddish, and my grandma cracked me up asking me why I would pay for a pair of pants with holes in them.

I left the family-filled week with six major takeaways:

I have my grandma to thank so much for helping me realize what I can do to tap into my best self.

I have Lil to thank for teaching me Yiddish and the importance of throwing away the bad.

My grandma inspired me every day of her life to find the joy in every day and make the most of every second that I have. 

I’m so proud to be her granddaughter.

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