How To Best Prepare For A Public Speaking Engagement

Do you want to be a keynote speaker? Are you looking to improve your skills before your next public speaking opportunity?

As someone that has been public speaking for years, I have learned a number of things.

When I first started speaking in front of groups, I got extremely nervous.

My palms would sweat and my voice would shake; I had very little confidence on stage.

I have learned from every speaking experience that I have done and decided why not share what I’ve learned?

Preparing for a public speaking gig:

Your job as a public speaker is to show up with confidence and charisma.

You want to deliver as much value as possible to the audience.

In order to do this, you have to be in the right headspace. That means planning ahead.

Here are my top three tips to prepare: 

When it comes down to it, you have to prepare well before any speaking engagement.

Taking the time to plan ahead is the best way to ensure that you show up on stage with confidence and clarity about the value you have to deliver.

After all, these folks are there to see YOU. So, you want to be sure that you’re ready to shine.

What do you think? Do you have any advice to do a great job at your next public speaking engagement?

Share your tips and techniques in the comments below!

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