How To Kill Time In Airports: 3 Things To Do

Do you spend a lot of time in airports? Are you looking to be more productive with how you spend your time?

I recently had time to kill during a layover in the Boston Logan International airport, and it got me thinking creatively.

I turned on the camera to record a video for my YouTube channel to discuss how to kill time in airports.

Specifically, I’m sharing my top three things to do when I have downtime in an airport.

Let’s face it: airports can be boring. Having something to do when you’ve got time to kill is hugely helpful in staying sane.

Killing time:

The first thing I recommend is to take a long walk around the airport.

Seeing as how you’ve been sitting on a plane for a few hours, it’s a good thing to stretch your legs to get your blood moving.

It’s also smart to walk around to see what options you’ve got for food, coffee, shopping, etc.

Get a sense of whether this is an airport that you like and would be happy to connect through again. (I make it a point to note any airports that are super gluten-free friendly.) 

The second thing I like to do is find a quiet spot to get some work done.

I’m all about being productive in my downtime, so I like to find a spot that I can sit and settle down to answer emails, do some content creation and catch up on podcasts. 

I usually bust out my journal to do some writing; listen to some podcasts; make some calls and catch up on emails or social media content creation.

I find that my being productive, the time between flights goes by so much faster!

Lastly, I like to stretch and do a little bit of airport yoga. (Cue the weird looks, friends!) 

Doing some yoga and stretching, just moving your body in some way, helps to get the blood flowing throughout your entire body.

This will help you feel more flexible and comfortable when you’re sitting during your next flight.

BONUS part is if you find a children’s play area; use it, friends!

At the end of the day, I’m all about being productive rather than sitting and twiddling your thumbs when you’ve got time to kill in airports. 

What do you think? How do you like to kill time in airports?

Share in the comments below!

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