Build your authority on LinkedIn with Groups & Pulse

Whether you’re building a business or a personal brand, LinkedIn is a great platform for building credibility and authority.

Regardless of your industry, with over 400 million users (over 100 of which are located in the United States,) LinkedIn is a social media entity that you can’t ignore.

In order to help you build your authority on LinkedIn, I am going to break down a few special features that you can start taking advantage of today.


Beefing up your profile, be it your company page or individual profile, is a must.

LinkedIn is the number one channel that individuals use for looking for jobs. Similarly, if you’ve recently applied for a job, LinkedIn is typically the first place employers and recruiters go to vet candidates.

If you’re a business and are just getting started building your company page or personal profile, here are a few things to keep in mind:


Once you’ve covered the basics (creating profiles that look beautiful and branded,) the next step is to use LinkedIn to build your authority.

Introducing: LinkedIn’s publishing platform, Pulse.

While you can’t use Pulse as a company or showcase page, it’s a powerful tool for individuals to use to build their authority online, create a loyal audience of followers, start conversations and share expertise.

Through use of Pulse, many individuals are positioning themselves as experts in their industries.

By creating consistent, informative content that is targeted to a specific audience, individuals can successfully build their KLT (know, like and trust) factor online.

Another idea?

Build your authority online by joining LinkedIn groups.

You can search for groups on the platform, ask permission to join the group (some will be open and some will be private,) and start contributing to discussions.

Consider introducing yourself to the group, then start to share your expertise to position yourself as a thought-leader and expert in the specific industry.

Be sure to ask people to comment on your discussions or Pulse posts in order to facilitate a greater connection and meaningful conversation.

Note: Pulse and Groups are located under the “Interests” tab on LinkedIn, and both have a strong search feature that can help you find content, or groups, that you are most interested in. You can also find Pulse channels by clicking here.


Now that you’re getting connected and have an outlet to share valuable content, you need to start thinking outside of the box for what types of updates to share.

The best kind of content to share fills one of the following needs: entertainment, solution-based, original, inspirational, educational.

Strong networkers and LinkedIn users know which connections value which types of content. You can use messages or the “Keep in touch” feature (located under the Connections tab) to keep your contacts informed of content you think they would appreciate.


LinkedIn has a variety of features that allow you to expand your network and successfully build your credibility and authority online.

By utilizing LinkedIn Groups and Pulse, you’ll be on your way to reinforcing relationships, establishing yourself as a thought leader and expanding the visibility of your profile. 

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