How to crush it on Instagram: brand success stories

To be successful as a brand on Instagram, you need to have an eye for aesthetics.

With over 400 million active daily users, Instagram is growing in popularity as a vehicle for brands and businesses to showcase their products and services.

Not to mention, Instagram is an incredibly powerful platform for visual storytelling.

Today’s blog, which functions as Part 3 of our 4-part blog series, will detail success stories from brands that are successfully using Instagram to expand their online influence and grow a loyal community.

Instagram marketing requires an eye for design; you need to have a strong brand style guide and an eye for what colors look well together. 

When marketing on Instagram, you also want to make use a content calendar to ensure you’re not posting too many of the same types of photos (fan-based or curated, product photos or behind-the-scenes shots) in a row.

The three brands mentioned below are currently doing a great job at using Instagram to expand their brand awareness.


Hands down, Dove has one of the most beautiful Instagram feeds that I’ve seen.

They utilize a strong, branded color scheme across all of their photos; the result is a beautiful, inviting feed that makes you antsy to scroll through and see more.

Through use of blues, whites and gold, Dove helps create visual brand awareness.

They also provide their audience with value through eye-catching, inspirational and motivational imagery that leaves you feeling empowered.

Takeaway tip: utilize your style-guide to create brand-centric imagery that plays off of your logo and overall brand color scheme. The result will be a beautiful feed that people can’t help but scroll through.


JCrew does a great job at creating a feed that is eye-catching and inviting, just like Dove.

They include a variety of photos, from quotes and flowers to purses and people, showing that JCrew is a lifestyle brand.

Similarly, by curating and repurposing photos taken from customers, JCrew shows their audience appreciation. It’s a simple, but smart and effective approach to take, as people view those curated photos as mini brand testimonials, making the brand more liked and trusted online.

Takeaway tip: curate user-generated photos on your Instagram feed and always provide photo credit to the fan. This will show your fans that you appreciate them while also making your brand more trustworthy online.


Reebok does a great job at promoting an active lifestyle and use of their products through their Instagram presence.

By sharing user-generated photos, product photos and action shots, Reebok creates a diverse catalog of photos. Similarly, by posting regularly, Reebok ensures that their catalog never goes stale.

Reebok’s feed just makes you want to get up and run; they do a fantastic job and inspiring individuals to embrace an active lifestyle.

The action shots shared help showcase the brand’s products in a real-world format, making them more trustworthy and credible online.

Takeaway tip: show your products as they’re meant to be used in order to promote them and show how individuals can incorporate your brand into their daily life.

By using a style guide and curating fan-based photos, you’ll have a beautiful Instagram feed that is inviting and eye-catching. 

Which brands are using Pinterest to it’s full potential?

Stay tuned for next week’s blog which will be the final part of our 4-part blog series on how to crush it across social media platforms!

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