How to get started on Periscope

There’s no doubt that live video applications, such as Facebook Live and Periscope, are skyrocketing in usage and popularity.

Are you currently using Periscope as a part of your social media marketing mix?

If you’re not, it’s time to start thinking about this powerful platform.

Periscope is an incredible way to create connections with your audience; broadcasts are engaging, informative and usually educational, making them incredibly valuable.

The personal and interactive nature of live video is exactly why it is growing in usage and impact.

If you plan ahead and get strategic, you can create dozens of tweets and Facebook posts from just one live broadcast. 

However, just like with any social media channel, in order to be successful on Periscope you have to plan ahead.

Getting started:

If you want to get started on Periscope, the first thing you have to do is create a Twitter profile. Periscope and Twitter are siblings, so you’re going to want to create a Twitter profile first, so that you can easily create your Periscope profile in just a few clicks.

Once you’ve done this, you want to start planning.

Regardless of the social media channel you’re using, you need a plan for how you’re going to use the platform to move the needle on business goals.

There should be a clear reason as to why you’re on Periscope. Ask yourself: what are we going to use the platform to do?

Whether you plan to engage with, inspire, or educate your audience, you want to be clear on exactly what value you will be delivering to your audience through this vehicle.

Equipment is another part of the planning process.

You’ll want to decide early on whether you’re going to use a microphone, lighting and/or tripod.

I highly recommend testing all three, as they will each provide different benefits to your broadcasts. (For example, a tripod helps keep the camera steady and frees up your hands for gesticulating.) 

Another thing that’s important to consider is what you’re going to do at the end of the broadcast.

Will you upload it to YouTube? Are you going to do a Facebook Live at the same time? 

Think through how you’re going to use the broadcast as a part of your overall social media strategy *before* you start the video, so that you don’t miss out on any opportunities.

For example, you can kill two birds with one stone by doing a Facebook Live at the same time as your Periscope. While slightly complex technically (you need two devices,) it’s a great way to provide value to two different segments of your audience at the same time.

Before you start your first broadcast, here are a few features and tactics that you should make note of:

  1. Calls interrupt your broadcast: turn your phone on airplane mode before you go live so that you aren’t interrupted by calls.
  2. Titles: each broadcast gets a title. Be smart when crafting your titles, as they are going to be what helps you grab attention. The better the title, the better chances you have of capturing a large number of initial viewers.
  3. Consistency catches on: if you want to build audience and engagement over time, be consistent with how often you go on Periscope. For me, I broadcast weekly on Wednesday’s. My audience now knows to expect to see me on the platform come Wednesday morning. The consistency is critical if you want to establish trust and credibility with your online audience.
  4. Start immediately: you don’t want to wait for people to join before starting your broadcast. Dive into your introduction (name, target audience and mission/vision) right away and let people know what you’re going to be talking about in the video. Set the stage immediately so that viewers know whether it’s worthwhile to stick around. Also, be sure to share your credentials to help establish your credibility to first-time viewers who have never met you before.
  5. Speak specifically: speak to your audience like they are right there with you. Ideally, you should have your target viewer in mind and speak to the audience as if they are the ideal viewer.
  6. Value first: provide value before asking anything of your users. Want them to follow you on Instagram or visit your website after the broadcast? Provide them with value through your content, and in the form of giveaways and website freebies when applicable, before making the ask in the form of a call to action at the end of your broadcast. Let people know what’s in it for them if they stick around.
  7. Pay attention: be engaging throughout your video by paying attention as people jump on and off the broadcast, write questions and/or give you hearts. Shout people out by name or city, and thank them for the hearts and/or shares. The engagement piece is what it’s all about; show your fans the love by thanking them personally.
  8. Conclude with CTA: finish your broadcasts with a specific goal in mind. Provide that call to action to the audience as the last thing in your broadcast, whether you want them to download a free guide from your website and/or follow you on Snapchat.

Just like with any other social media channel, you’re using Periscope to build relationships, drive traffic to your website and provide value to your audience.

Be intentional about serving up valuable, relevant content to your audience on a consistent basis.

The content that performs best on Periscope is usually inspirational, educational and/or entertaining. 

High quality content that provides solutions to your audience’s problems gets shared and engaged with. Often.

You can’t think of Periscope as a platform for promoting; it’s a platform for engagement and relationship-building first and foremost.

Can you promote yourself during your broadcasts? Sure. Just be sure to provide your audience with a ton of value first.

Through Periscope, you can successfully build buzz for your brand or product, create connections to your audience and position yourself as an expert in your field. 

What do you think? Are you using Periscope as a part of your social media marketing mix? What tips do you recommend trying before getting started?

Share in the comments below! 

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