How to use video to cultivate community on social media

Are you looking to cultivate community through social media?

Hoping to create a tribe of loyal followers online?

Trying to get more engagement on social media? 

In order to cultivate community on social media, you have to be authentic.

You want to show your true self online, because that’s what’s going to resonate with people.

Do you crack jokes? Use swear words? Dress casual? Give shout outs? Love yoga?


When you embrace everything that makes you unique, you really let your fans get to know you.

Getting inspired:

Brian Fanzo (aka @isocialfanz) has been a HUGE inspiration behind my shift towards doing more video.

Fanzo’s old tagline was “Think Like A Fan.”

It was all about putting yourself into the shoes of your audience, and creating content and touch-points that are meaningful to them.

Fanzo’s current mission for 2017 is #BeYourself.

I couldn’t support or believe in that mentality more.

The authenticity angle is exactly why I’m diving DEEP into video creation.

For me, video is where I shine; it’s where I have the best ability to inspire, educate and entertain my audience. 

Through video, I share my raw and real self.

Algorithms are impacting organic reach for businesses, increasing the importance of being authentic as a way of attracting an audience.

Using video:

Creating content using your authentic voice is the first step towards cultivating community on social media.

But it’s more than that.

In order to create real connections, I recommend using video.

Video is the best medium to convey your emotion, drive excitement and generate engagement.

Through daily Instagram and Snapchat stories, I’ve seen the power of video first-hand in allowing people to feel like they know me.

In these stories, I share social media tips AND show behind-the-scenes into my life as someone who loves to cook, practice yoga and journal.

I show you guys what lights be up – beyond just social media.

The results have been fantastic.

I’ve had multiple coaching clients find me through those channels and tell me they feel like they already know me because of it.

If that’s not a case study for using video to share your smarts and stories, I’m not sure what is.

So, how can you think outside of the box to communicate and connect to your audience?

How can you share snippets and stories that show who you are? 

How can you do one thing that scares you as a way of creating a closer connection to your audience?

Share with me in the comments below and let’s make this the season we let our true selves SHINE! 

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