Live-streaming: building confidence and credibility online

Live-streaming applications such as Meerkat, Blab and Periscope are becoming an incredibly effective and powerful way that entrepreneurs and small business owners can build confidence and credibility online.

Through live broadcasts, individuals have the opportunity to connect, educate, inform and inspire people all over the world on topics they have an expertise or interest in.

Broadcasts allow you to collaborate and connect with your audience in real-time; this is valuable because transparency builds trust.

I have been live-streaming on Periscope for over three months now. As a result, I have become more confident in front of the camera and more knowledgeable of the best practices that other brands and businesses can use to increase their online credibility.

Below are a few tips that, regardless of which live-streaming platform you use, you can apply to build your confidence and credibility through live-streaming:

Your work isn’t quite done when you hop off the broadcast.

You can use a service like to make your Periscopes available for viewing after the 24 hour limit has expired.

You also want to be sure to share the link (to your Periscope, Meerkat and/or replay) on your social media handles to capture your social following that may have missed the notification of when your live-stream started.

Live-streaming is a wonderful way to connect with your customers, showcase your expertise and inspire your audience to take action — and it’s only going to grow in popularity.

Start taking advantage today by creating a profile on Meerkat, Blab and/or Periscope!

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