Learn how to maximize the reach of your Facebook videos

When it comes to growing your reach and engagement on Facebook as a business, videos are the way to go.

Incorporating video as a part of your social media marketing, specifically Facebook, strategy is a critical step if you’re looking to connect with your customers online.

However, not all videos are created equal.

It’s important to look into Facebook insights to gain an understanding of the videos that perform best.

Within insights, you can see how long people are watching your videos, the average view as well as the overall reach of the video.

One important thing to note is that videos posted natively to Facebook (meaning you upload the video directly into Facebook,) perform better than YouTube videos posted to the platform.

Below are a few reasons why it’s smarter to upload your videos natively to Facebook rather than posting the link to a YouTube video: 

If you want to generate a large number of impressions, and analyze viewership data, it’s clear that uploading videos natively to Facebook is the way to go.

By uploading your videos natively, you’ll start to beat out your competitors who are still posting YouTube links as their way of sharing videos on Facebook.

Have you tested this theory? What success have you seen?

Share your story with me in the comments below! 

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