How to use Pinterest for better branding

Are you using Pinterest as a part of your social media mix?

Struggling to see your website traffic grow as a result of your efforts on the platform?

With 100 million active monthly users, Pinterest is still being utilized often. The majority of users are women; in fact, 40% of women in the United States are on the platform.

Just with any social media channel, when it comes to marketing on Pinterest, having a strategy is key.

You need a plan in place that clearly states your goal for using Pinterest, whether it’s to drive website traffic or build brand awareness. 

Having a goal for why your business is using Pinterest will drive how often you pin, what you pin and how you craft descriptions for your pins; it also will determine whether you should invest in promoted pins.

There are four features on Pinterest that, regardless of your goal, can help you achieve better branding:

Just like with Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, posting consistently on Pinterest is critical. Creating content on a regular basis is the key to growth on Pinterest.

Experts recommend that you pin daily at different times during the day; spacing out your pins throughout the day will help maximize their reach.

Last but not least, be sure to engage with others.

Search for keywords that you’ll pin about as a way to see what others are doing in your industry. Engaging with those pinners on the platform will help you create more of a community feel for your profile.

While tons of brands are using Pinterest as a way to drive more traffic to their website, Pinterest is incredibly powerful as a brand building platform.

Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box about imagery that you can create to showcase your culture and products. 

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