Why I Think You Should Start A Second YouTube Channel

Are you thinking of starting a second YouTube Channel?

While starting another channel is a lot of work, there are cases where it totally makes sense.

By now, you know that I’m really into YouTube. I’ve made over 100 videos on my YouTube Channel and I’m not stopping anytime soon.

I love the community on YouTube; it’s supportive and positive.

Video content is powerful; it’s extremely humanizing.

Starting another channel:

A few months ago, I started another channel on YouTube: socialmerk.

Socialmerk is a passion project that I started with my childhood best friend Jen.

We started socialmerk as a way to combine our expertise and passion for social work and social media to create a mental-health focused channel.

It wouldn’t make sense for Jen and me to post our socialmerk videos directly on my personal channel.

It makes sense to start another channel when you want to create content around a particular theme. 

That’s why we started the socialmerk channel: to have a devoted place on YouTube where we could post our videos about anxiety, depression, perfectionism, and other topics.

We want to build a brand around socialmerk; we’re looking to create a tribe of women that are inspired to live an authentically happy and healthy life. 

It’s very hard to build a brand when you don’t have a social media presence dedicated to that brand.

My YouTube channel is focused on social media; it wouldn’t really make sense for me to post videos about mental health on that channel.

When you have two different topics that you want to talk extensively about, it makes sense to have two channels.

Set yourself up for success by creating two channels to discuss your two different topics!

What do you think?

Share your thoughts about socialmerk OR YouTube in the comments below!

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