How To Use The Five Minute Journal

Have you heard about The Five Minute Journal?

It’s probably the best tool out there to help you start a gratitude and journaling practice.

Jen and I use this tool on a daily basis as a way to be more grateful.

It takes just five minutes to use the journal every day and we guarantee that when you get into the habit of it, you’ll see a difference.

You’ll notice that you feel more grateful on a daily basis as a result of using this tool.

The best part? You don’t need to buy the actual journal itself.

Write down the prompts that we’ve shared in the video embedded above to get started.

Using the prompts:

The journal is broken into two sections: morning and evening. Each page in the journal represents one full day.

In the morning, you’re asked to write down three things that you’re grateful for, three things that would make the day great, and you set a daily affirmation.

I love the morning section because it encourages you to tap into the things that you’re grateful for first. This primes your headspace to be grateful.

Secondly, by writing down three things that will make the day great, you add extra intention to your day.

I’ve noticed that I’m much more mindful on the days that I use The Five Minute Journal. I go out of my way to make those three things happen because it creates a sense of accountability for me.

Lastly, setting a daily affirmation is powerful!

My daily affirmation serves as a motivator for me throughout the day.

An example of a daily affirmation that I’ve written down before: “I am the decider of my energy.” 

The Five Minute Journal helps you be more grateful and confident.

The tool enables you to build your self-esteem by putting you in the driver’s seat of your happiness.

The evening section has two prompts. First, you write down three amazing things that happened today.

Secondly, you write down one thing you could’ve done to make the day better.

The evening section is fantastic because it encourages you to reflect on your day. 

By focusing on the wins of the day, you end your day feeling happy. Similarly, by thinking about how you could have made the day better, you set yourself up for a positive tomorrow.

The Five Minute Journal encourages you to be more grateful, intentional and accountable.

What do you think? How can you increase gratitude in your everyday? 

Share your ideas in the comments below!

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