How To Be Savvier On Social Media: Top 5 Tips

Do you want to get savvier on social media?

Well, my friend Brendan Halbohm and I have five tips to help you step up your game when it comes to social media.

Brendan is a YouTuber just like me, so we decided to come together for a collaboration.

The community on YouTube is part of what makes the platform so special.

People are eager to work together and creatively collaborate.

The goal: share our top five tips for getting savvier on social media.

The execution: Brendan took all of the footage using his fancy equipment. We both worked from the same footage to show how two people can use the exact same video clips and create two very different creative outputs.

Our Top Five Social Media Tips:

Our goal in this collaboration was to showcase some neat spots in Buffalo while providing value to our respective audiences.

We ventured to five different spots in Buffalo to share our top five tips on social media:

  • Invest in relationships: Social media is social; you can’t just post and ghost. It’s important to show up and spend time on these platforms so that you can become a part of the community. You’re going to grow an audience because you’ve created a connection with folks on the channel. Share your story and invite others to collaborate on fun projects! Take a personal approach to your content and engagement; this is going to create a deeper sense of connection with people.
  • Be human: Show up and be authentic. Be yourself. That’s the only real way to build relationships. As much as you can, try to connect with people in person.
  • Treat each channel uniquely: Every social media channel is different. Facebook and Instagram have different functionality. If you want to succeed on social media, you have to create unique content that suits each social media channel. Crafting unique content for your various platforms is what gives people a reason to follow you across all of your different channels. That’s how you maximize eyeballs and engagement.
  • Don’t stress about the equipment: You don’t need fancy equipment to be savvier on social media. People are going to subscribe to you because of YOU! It’s less about the equipment you use and more about the value you create through your content. If you wait to have the best equipment in order to get started, you’ll never get started. Don’t let the tools hold you back from crafting creative content! The iPhone in your pocket is good enough to use to get started.
  • Ditch perfectionism: Getting savvier on social isn’t about being perfect. There’s no such thing as perfect! If you want to step up your game, it’s about publishing content and learning from your mistakes. As Seth Godin would say, just ship it! You’ll learn from every project.


To succeed on social media, you have to be brave.

Put yourself out there, collaborate with others and show up as your true self.

Brendan and I can almost guarantee that if you follow the five tips above, you’ll see yourself getting savvier on social media. 

What do you think?

Share your top social media tip in the comments below!

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